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Optimize Induction For Dynamic Programming

Recently I reviewed some dynamic programming problems and found I was still lack of the ability to come up with the most optimized solution or induction in some cases. So I tried to find out a generic method to optimize one simple basic induction so that I can use it to optimize my dynamic programming model in the future.

Complete Knapsack Problem

Given n items and their weights and values are w[i], v[i]. We need to put some of them into a knapsack of capacity Wto get the maximum total value in the knapsack. Each item can be picked any times.

The straightforward dynamic programming induction for this problem is

dp[i + 1, j] = max(dp[i, j - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1]), where k >= 0

where dp[i, j] means the maximum value if we just use the first i items and the capacity limitation is j.

This induction is very straightforward, it shows that we can calculate the i+1th item case based previous calcuation results. But this isn’t the optimized induction for this problem since we need to calculate k times to find out the maximum value. We can dive deep more to see whether it is possible to utilize the calculation results from the dp[i + 1, j - w[i + 1]] too, where

dp[i + 1, j - w[i + 1]] = max(dp[i, j - w[i + 1] - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1]), where k >=0

Now we try to do some modifications on our basic indcution

dp[i + 1, j] = max(dp[i, j - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1]), where k >= 0
             = max(dp[i, j] for k == 0, dp[i, j - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1] for k >= 1)
             = max(dp[i, j] for k == 0, dp[i, j - w[i + 1] - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1] + v[i + 1]  for k >= 0)
             = max(dp[i, j] for k == 0, max(dp[i, j - w[i + 1] - k * w[i + 1]] + k * v[i + 1] + v[i + 1]) for k >= 0)
             = max(dp[i, j], dp[i + 1, j - w[i + 1]] + v[i + 1])

Then we just need to compare two calcuation results within the calculation iteration for one item.

Sum Calculation Problem

Give n unique number a[i] and each of them has m[i] copies. We need to justify whether it is possible to select some of these numbers to make them sum up to K exactly.

The straightforward dynamic programming induction for this problem is

dp[i + 1, j] = Or(dp[i, j - k * a[i + 1]] for 0<=k<=min(m[i + 1], j / a[i + 1]))

where dp[i, j] is the boolean value to represent whether it is possible to use first i items to get a sum equal to j. We would meet the same problem here as in Complete Knapsack Problem, that we need to calculate k items with the iteration of each item. Let’s do the similiar modifications to the basic induction to see whether there is any optimizations.

dp[i + 1, j] = Or(dp[i, j - k * a[i + 1]] for 0<=k<=min(m[i + 1], j / a[i + 1]))
             = Or(dp[i, j] for k == 0, dp[i, j - k * a[i + 1]] for 1<=k<=min(m[i + 1], j / a[i + 1]))
             = Or(dp[i, j] for k == 0, dp[i, j - a[i + 1] - k * a[i + 1]] for 0<=k<=min(m[i + 1], j / a[i + 1]) - 1)
             = Or(dp[i, j], dp[i + 1, j - a[i + 1]] if we can select one more a[i + 1])

Seems like we can just compare dp[i, j] and dp[i + 1, j - a[i + 1]] to get what we want now. But this isn’t end. There is one problem in this induction that we don’t know whether we can select a[i + 1] one more time based on d[i + 1, j - a[i + 1]] case. This problem can be solved just by storing the remaining number of a[i + 1] in the dp[i + 1, *] instead of the boolean value. In dynamic programming, storing boolean value in the dp table is sometimes wasting our space.

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